May 1965: Galerie Tournesol, Paris, France
October 1966: English Bookshop and Gallery, Paris, France
June 1973: Gallerie l'Ouverture, Paris, France
April 1981: BICS Banque, Malakoff, France
April 1981: Workshop Experimental, Paris, France
June 1983: Gallerie Von Gilberg, Souvigny, France
May 1985: Galerie au Bock du Boheme, Paris, France
December 1985: Galerie au Bock du Boheme, Paris, France
April 1988: Galerie au Bock du Boheme, Paris, France
March 1989: BICS Banque, Paris, France
February 1965: with Breyten Breytenbach and James Ryan,
English Bookshop and Gallery, Paris, France
May 1973: with James Ryan, Galerie Jean Jozon, Paris, France
May 1975: Light show with the jazz group of Saheb Sarbib (slides and music)
at the Theatre Mouffetard, Paris, France
May 1976: American artists in France, American Cultural Center, Paris, France
December 1983: Art Konniaku, Centre Cuturel Japonais, Paris, France